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Let's #GiveBackHuntington

To businesses in our community that need our help.

During this time of uncertainty, it’s an opportunity to show the strength of our community by helping those among us who need it the most. Local businesses, Boogie Barks and Seven Circle Media, have teamed up to assist our non-essential businesses and their support staff who may be facing some financial difficulties due to the sudden shut down of many restaurants, hair/nail salons, retail stores and so many more in result to the COVID-19 virus.

Want to get involved?

Local Businesses

If you or your employees are in need of financial support at this time, let us know! We’ll make sure they are taken care of. In return, please support our cause by helping spread the word (reposting on social media, sharing with others)

Everyone Else

No contribution is too small! Please help us reach our goals in any way possible (that includes sharing this post)

Feeding our Community

Our Mission

In addition to helping support our local non-essential businesses during these uncertain times, we now are expanding our initiative to #Givebackhuntington and are helping to feed ALL in need in our community.


We’ve teamed up with local restaurants and are ready to provide for anyone we can with coordination and contactless delivery. Just head to our website to join our mission! Together, we can make a difference for everyone in need.

Don't forget!

Let’s not forget the hard working individuals in this community who help us thrive! This could be anyone from your shampoo girl to the waitress who serves you at your favorite restaurant. They are there for us when we need them so lets be there for them when they need us most!


Help spread the word by sharing our cause with your friend across social media using the hashtag #GiveBackHuntington 

Who's joined our mission

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